A Detroit good Samaritan risks his life to rescue a toddler from the middle of the street. One evening earlier this month, Eddie Jackson and Iyona Lee were driving on Detroit’s west side with their three young children when Lee spotted something disturbing. “I just saw those little legs,” she recalls. “What is that,” Jackson says. “As I’m asking her what is that, she’s like, ‘It’s a child.’” There was a small child who had wandered out into the middle of a busy street.
Lee starts hitting Jackson’s back, telling him to go get the toddler and he rushes out of the car and into the busy intersection, grabbing the baby up. “I swooped him up with my coat because he had nothing on,” Jackson says. Right after picking the naked three-year-old up from the busy roadway during rush-hour traffic, Jackson spots a white City of Detroit truck driven by municipal security guard Lieutenant Robert Williams and runs toward him.
Williams stops traffic for Jackson and the toddler to get safely off the road and then contacts Detroit police, who arrive minutes later with food, clothing, and a diaper for the child. Not knowing who he could trust, the child would only let Jackson put the diaper on him. The toddler was later reunited with his family and Detroiters are calling Jackson a hero for his actions, but he doesn’t see it that way. “I appreciate the acknowledgement of being a hero,” he says. “But, in my heart, I don’t see myself as one. I just see myself as a child of God that would do anything for someone.”