Man Donates Kidney To Save Stranger’s Life

A New Mexico man saved a young woman’s life by donating a kidney to someone he didn’t even know. Jenna Franks was diagnosed with a rare disorder during her senior year of high school and was in kidney failure. She desperately needed a transplant, so her mom,Karol, turned to social media to find a donor for her daughter.

The Bottom Line:

  • Jenna Frankswas in kidney failure and in need of a donor, so her mom turned to social media to try to find one.
  • Gary Freysaw the post and volunteered to donate his kidney to the teen, but he wasn’t a match.
  • He was able to do a paired exchange, where he donated his kidney to a stranger so Jenna could get a kidney from someone who was a match for her.
  • Source:KOB4

The Full Story:

A New Mexico man saved a young woman’s life by donating a kidney to someone he didn’t even know.Jenna Frankswas diagnosed with a rare disorder during her senior year of high school and was in kidney failure. She desperately needed a transplant, so her mom,Karol, turned to social media to find a donor for her daughter.

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